Front Line Warriors of Education. We all know how the global pandemic allowed BYJU’S, the EdTech giant to steal the limelight. BYJU’S witnessed tremendous growth in the number of users and traffic on their platform following a huge demand for their courses. Around 135 million students banked on BYJU’S to keep learning during the lockdown period.
While BYJU’S did help those students learn, there was a team that delivered the resources for learning. This is the story of the team that made it all possible at the last mile.
Delivering letters and documents is one thing, but it is another to deliver hope to those who need it.
Bharat V

The BYJU’S Logistics Fleet
The BYJU’S logistics fleet is responsible for managing the inventory, movement of physical products, dispatch, and delivery. This team braved all odds to deliver the BYJU’S learning tablet and other learning essentials to the doorstep of millions of children.
A Socially Distanced Work Environment
Logistics involve many functions such as inbound/outbound transportation, warehousing, handling materials, inventory management, and such. These functions require people to operate at very close quarters. A socially distanced work environment not only impacts the office dynamics but also impacts the scope for workplace socializing. When the pandemic kicked-in, the logistics team at BYJU’S were quick to alter their course and adapt to the new work order, and the socializing norms.
The Moral Support
Before beginning the actual work, all employees had to be mentally prepared to face the imminent challenges at work. Apart from risk of them getting infected, employees living with their families had a fear of bringing back the infection home. Not to mention the restriction of movement and police checkposts across the country. People like Mohnish Jaiswal (VP- Supply Chain) supported their teams and instilled confidence that no matter what happens, they were all in this together.
M. Ropini, a team leader at a logistics facility says that as individuals their personal health and hygiene were important, but as BYJUites, the most important thing for them was a child’s education.
A New Work Order
After taking all preemptive measures, the BYJU’S logistics fleet began their work in socially-distanced work environments. The warehouses of BYJU’S were rearranged and the logistics team were distributed over different locations to ensure proper social distancing.
Doing What They do the Best!!
Treating it as a service to education, the fleet deployed special measures like mandating protective gears for all employees, frequent and compulsory COVID-19 tests, and ensuring not a single pair of bare hands touched the products. Since private couriers were absent and rail/air services were disrupted during the lockdown, all learning tablets and learning essentials had to be delivered by the BYJU’S fleet through an on-road network.
In a time when schools were shut down and other learning sources were unavailable, the BYJU’S logistics fleet helped in delivering learning resources to millions of students.
The team demonstrated outstanding teamwork by going the extra mile to ensure that nothing stops learning, not even the pandemic.
Abhishek Abkari a logistics manager at BYJU’S calls the BYJU’S fleet as ‘Front-line warriors. There is a lot that happens in the backend when a delivery boy delivers your hot pizza, essential medicines, groceries, gadgets, etc.?