According to the AISHE (All India Survey on Higher Education), a maximum of 26.3% of students enrolls for higher education after 12th grade in India.
It means that there is a substantial percentage of students looking for jobs after completing 12th grade due to various reasons.
What are some high paid government jobs after 12th?

We will briefly discuss two public sector jobs that individuals can apply after passing the 12th grade.
SSC: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts examinations for recruitment to entry‑level posts in the public offices, departments, and governments.
The positions you can apply after 12th grade are as follows:
- SSC CHSL(Combined Higher Secondary Level): This examination is conducted for recruitment for posts such as Upper Division Clerks, Lower Division Clerks (LDC), Sorting Assistant (SA), Postal Assistant (PA), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), and Data Entry Operator (DEO).
- SSC MTS (Multi-Tasking Staff): MTS is a Group ‘C’ cadre position that includes Peons, Daftary, Jamadars, Chowkidars, Gardeners, Drivers, Junior Gestetner operators, etc.
- SSC Grade C and Grade D Stenographer: Stenographers are professionals who transcribe speech in shorthand. Grade C Candidates work mostly at the capital (Delhi) at ministries and departments of the central government. Grade D Candidates are further classified into Group X (Primary work location is Delhi) and Group Y (Primary work location is throughout India).
For more details on exam notifications, updates, study materials, tips, and guidelines, click on the link.
RRB: Candidates with 10+2 or equivalent education can apply for Group C and Group D posts available in the Railways Recruitment Board (RRB).
- Railway constables: Railway constables are responsible for maintaining security, law, and order in railways premises. You may apply for this exam after passing 12th grade.
- Railway clerks: This is an interesting role wherein the employee is responsible for various data recording and maintenance tasks such as preparing vehicle guidance, feeding data to railway terminals, verifying the number of wagons, and more. You may apply for a railway clerk examination after completing 12th grade.
- Assistant Loco Pilot: I am sure many of us wished to drive a railway engine when we were young or still do. You can fulfill that wish after completing 10th + ITI certification or Diploma in Engineering (excluding CSE and Civil Engineering).
For more details on Railway Recruitment Board exam notifications, updates, study materials, tips, and guidelines, click on the link.
For more information on other Government jobs click on this link
Career Prospects: These are careers with opportunities to grow up the hierarchy by continuing education and taking up various departmental and competitive exams. Sky is the limit….
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